Musical after the roman "20000 Leagues under the Sea" by Jules Verne
Text and Regie: Lisa Jung
Music and Conducting Valerio Massimo Fasoli
Premiere: 24.- 25.06.2023 in Denkendorf
"Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten"
Musical after tale collected by the Brudern Grimm.
Text and Regie: Lisa Iffert
Music and Conducting: Valerio Massimo Fasoli
Premiere: 20.-21.05.2022 Denkendorf
"Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten" was nominated as "one the 20 best Projects" sponsored in 2022, in the Funding Program "Kultur macht stark" by the "Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung" (Germany).
This project is the result of the collaboration among Jazzclub Denkendorf, Musikschule Denkendorf, Jugendzentrum FOCUS Denkendorf and the Betreeungsstelle der ASS Denkendorf.